Sarah - Founder of StoryForj's Library



Sarah Faulkner


I'm Sarah. I travel constantly, but rarely plan ahead for it. I love building things - in real life or virtually. Wife to an amazing man, guardian to a great little dog, and co-founder of StoryForj.

I would pick flying.


Sarah - Founder of StoryForj's avatar

Sarah - Founder of StoryForj

Founder of StoryForj


Published 4 years ago
Published 4 years ago

Farpoint Kitchen

Published 5 years ago
Published 5 years ago

3 cutting boards: small, medium, and large.

Introduction to Forj

Published 5 years ago
Published 5 years ago


Interactive Presentations

Published 5 years ago
Published 5 years ago

World Population

The world population has experienced continuous growth following the Great Famine of 1315–1317 and the end of the Black Death in 1350, when it was near 370 million. The highest global population growth rates, with increases of over 1.8% per year, occurred between 1955 and 1975—peaking to 2.1% between 1965 and 1970. The growth rate declined to 1.2% between 2010 and 2015 and is projected to decline further in the course of the 21st century. However, the global population is still increasing and is projected to reach about 10 billion in 2050 and more than 11 billion in 2100.

Forj Deck

Published 5 years ago
Published 5 years ago


(copy) Forj Deck

Published 5 years ago
Published 5 years ago

Text Articles

Forj Web Apps

Average time spent reading

Percent viewed by at least half of readers






How to Make an Awesome Slide Deck

Published 5 years ago
Published 5 years ago

Talk with your audience, not at them.

Introducing: Interactive Presentations

How to Persuade When You're Not in the Room

Published 5 years ago
Published 5 years ago

How to persuade when you're not in the room

Quiz for hompage

Published 5 years ago
Published 5 years ago

Interactive content was found to be how much more effective than static content?

Quiz Time


Not this one.


Interactivity increases comprehension and extends attention spans, because it keeps people active.

Not to mention, using quizes, polls, calculators, and other interactive widgets can give you back valuable information about the people reading your content.

StoryForj Problem/Solution for Training

Published 5 years ago
Published 5 years ago

Key Objectives

  • •I actively measure and report on how many people took a training.
  • •I actively measure and report on how many people completed a training.
  • •I actively measure and report on how well people understand the content in trainings.
  • •My team creates in-person training courses.
  • •My team creates online training.
  • •My team facilitates SMEs to create training materials for each other.

StoryForj Problem/Solution for Sales

Published 5 years ago
Published 5 years ago

Key Objectives

  • •My team aims to land a high number of deals at a smaller amount.
  • •My team aims to land a small number of deals at a very great amount.
  • •My team must identify and approach new customers.
  • •My team must convert identified prospects to buyers.
  • •My team must upsell existing clients to new products/higher tiers.
  • •My team uses digital content (video, articles, etc) as a critical part of the sales process.
  • •My team must create or customize a lot of the digital content that we use.
  • •My team actively finds ways to reduce the cost or enhance the quality of digital content.
  • •Our strategy for scaling is: add more salespeople, increase salesperson efficiency, or increase deal size.

StoryForj Problem/Solution for Marketing

Published 5 years ago
Published 5 years ago

Key Activities:

  • •I need visitors to our content to immediately take a "buy" action.
  • •I need visitors to our content to agree to a sales meeting.
  • •I need visitors to our content to remember our brand.
  • •I need visitors to our content to understand the value of the products and services offered.
  • •I need existing customers to understand about new products and services.

Presentation Survey September 2019

Published 5 years ago
Published 5 years ago

Results from Forj Survey on Presentations

September 2019

Friday Plans

Published 5 years ago
Published 5 years ago

You just realize that Friday is the 13th AND a full moon AND a palindrome.

Do you:

- OR -

StoryForj Overview

Published 5 years ago
Published 5 years ago

An interactive story for the cost of a text article.


Forj Customer Testimonials

Published 5 years ago
Published 5 years ago


Customer Testimonials

Update for GGV Aug 23 2019

Published 5 years ago
Published 5 years ago


Financial Model: Costs

Below is a summary of expenses for Forj over the next 18 months. Costs are estimated at a low and high end to account for potential outcomes that would require an increase in spend with additional people, marketing, or misc (i.e. patents).


The final row - Total Spend at 18 Months - reflects the increase of costs over time, as they are initially starting much lower than the monthly burn at Month 18.

Forj Seed Round

Published 5 years ago
Published 5 years ago

Forj enables anyone to build web apps. By taking layout engineering out of the equation, frontend development costs can be reduced by 80-100%.

Our unique perspective is to target the non-engineer, non-designer, so we can quickly enter new industries and at different stages of the creation process than more skill-dependent tools.

In our initial GTM, we are finding extreme pain points with high, immediate revenue opportunities.

Welcome to Forj

StoryForj Seed Round

Published 5 years ago
Published 5 years ago

Forj enables anyone to build web apps. By taking layout engineering out of the equation, frontend development costs can be reduced by 80-100%.

Our unique perspective is to target the non-engineer, non-designer, so we can quickly enter new industries and at different stages of the creation process than more skill-dependent tools.

In our initial GTM, we are targeting the presentation/visual storytelling market.

Welcome to Forj

Forj for Lux

Published 5 years ago
Published 5 years ago

Forj enables anyone to build web apps. By taking layout engineering out of the equation, frontend development costs can be reduced by 80-100%.

Our unique perspective is to target the non-engineer, non-designer, so we can quickly enter new industries and at different stages of the creation process than more skill-dependent tools.

In our initial GTM, we are finding extreme pain points with high, immediate revenue opportunities.

Welcome to Forj


Published 5 years ago
Published 5 years ago


A Technical Overview of StoryForj

Bubble versus Forj

Published 5 years ago
Published 5 years ago

We agree with this team about a lot of things, namely that a visual builder can be used to create complex web apps without code.

We have different approaches for how to give the user this power. We started and will maintain "anyone" as our target user. To that end, we need to reduce complexity through smart systems and tools that fit into the user's workflow. One of our driving metrics is on-boarding and creation time, and we've invested to keep this low.

Bubble targets a user with design and product skills. They also have a steep learning curve. There are 11 introductory tutorials to go through before builing your first app.

Not a perfect analogy, but they are Photoshop and we are Canva.

This comes through in the product in a number of ways...

Bubble versus Forj